I haven't received a response from Customer Service yet!Updated 2 years ago
We strive to reply to all e-mails within 36 hours of receiving your message. We admit that we're human and we apologize if we may have overlooked your e-mail. In that case, please kindly send us another message using the Contact Us form. However, the lack of reply is usually due to one of these two possibilities:
1. You supplied a wrong e-mail address. Double-check to see whether you missed a letter, or if you registered with Yahoo instead of Gmail. Contact us again, supplying your correct e-mail address.
2. Our e-mail went to your SPAM box. To prevent this, add hello~at~eyecandys.com or the domain "eyecandys.com" to your contacts list. Or go to your SPAM box, look for our message and mark it as "Not Spam."